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Spiritual Awakening Retreat [SOLD OUT]

  • Northaven 49321 Alberta 16 AB, T0E Canada (map)

Spiritual Awakening Retreat

Make 2023 the year for you, it’s your time to invest in yourself! If you are looking to hit the RESET button or if you need a pause in your life, come spend a weekend with like-minded women who are ready to unwind, relax, and spiritually open to all they can be. This weekend has been intuitively designed to allow you to heal, renew, and evolve into the amazing person you are meant to be.

In one soulful weekend, you will experience Energy, Auras, Chakras and how to connect with Universal Energy. How to activate your intuition, the physical, emotional, spiritual benefits of Meditation, Past Life Regression and drumming circle for healing and release.

Who is this retreat for?

Women 18+

Retreat is suitable for anyone that would like to learn about their life purpose and spiritual gifts!


Check In: Friday, May 5, 2023 at 4:00 PM
Check Out: Sunday, May 7, 2023 at 12:00 PM

2 Nights Accommodation, Nutritious breakfasts, lunch, healthy snacks, retreat activities, and more!

Price starts at $1,111.00 + taxes


Itinerary will be provided one week prior to retreat. Below is a list of different sessions you will experience:

Chakra CleaRing and Balancing

You have 7 main energy centers in your body called Chakras. When your Chakras are blocked or out of balance, you will notice physical, psychological, and emotional effects. Maria and Francie will not only clear and balance your energy space, but will teach you how to intuitively clear and balance your own Chakras. Lack of personal energy, being critical of others, unable to express thoughts, low self-esteem, being demanding of those around you, can all be signs that your Chakras need alignment. Learn how to achieve a balanced, energetic, and attuned energy from the inside out.

Connecting with Universal Energy and Your Intuition

Learn how to tune into your intuition to connect and work with Universal Energy to manifest your desires and intentions, through different exercises and techniques. You will also experience several healing and releasing guided meditations with Crystal Sound Bowl Journey.

Past Life Regression

Discover who you were in a past life as Maria and Francie take you back. Has anyone ever told you that you were an old soul?

Chances are your soul has incarnated here many times before.

You are meant to learn valuable lessons and with every life you have ever lived, your soul remembers.

Past Life Regression is a great way to release any fears, illnesses, phobias or blocks that you have been holding onto.

Energy and Auras

Everyone has an Aura and Energy. By the end of this transformational weekend, you will experience seeing, feeling, and working with Auras and other people’s energy. We will demonstrate the importance of grounding, clearing, and most importantly, teach you how to protect your energy.

Subconscious Imprinting Technique Clearing

Subconscious Imprinting Technique (S.I.T) is a modality that works with the subconscious mind and nervous system to clear the emotional root cause of pain, unexpressed trapped emotions, memories, beliefs, or patterns that might be impacting your life.

During the clearing, repeat after me statements will be used to target a theme pertaining to the whole group. These statements will help to bring the pain, unexpressed emotions, memories, beliefs, and patterns, to the surface, where they can then be acknowledged, felt and released.

Bracelet Creations

You will have the opportunity to intuitively choose and create your very own crystal bracelet. Crystals are known to have healing properties, and when worn on the body, can have positive effects on your energy, help raise your vibrations and improve your well-being. Listen to your inner guidance as you choose from a variety of crystals to build a beautiful creation with intentions.

Drumming Circle

A stress-releasing, healing, and energizing drumming experience. You will be guided through a group drumming session that incorporates drums, native flute, and percussion in a safe, welcoming environment. Within the session includes a spiritual healing process called the “Drum Wash” where you will have the opportunity to experience the therapeutic effect of native frame drum and be guided through a relaxing and stress-releasing meditation. You will give and receive in this unique and energizing experience and you will walk away knowing that, you too, have an intuitive healer inside of you.

Registration includes accommodations, 2 nutritious breakfasts, a lunch, healthy snacks and all retreat activities and more!

More information can be found on our website

About Us - How Our Stories Came Together

Spirit 2 Soul Awakening was founded in 2016, shortly after Maria & Francie’s spiritual journeys began. Although the journeys started separately and through different life events, they began around the same time. One through an intense yearning for more out of life, and the other through tragedy. Maria then began to learn about healing and Francie turned towards Mediumship.

While attending a Past Life Regression course together in New York taught by Dr. Brian Weiss, they met two beautiful sisters. The two were sadly suffering  with the loss of one of their daughters who had recently passed on. Being aware of what the loss of a loved one can feel like, they felt it was important to spend some time with these amazing women, to teach them how to ground, protect and open themselves up.

After their experience in New York, they knew they had to teach more like-minded people how to recognize and tap into their own spiritual gifts. The transformative and life changing week was the inspiration and the beginning for Spirit 2 Soul Awakening!

Together they have years of training and learning under some of the most world-renowned teachers. (Dr. Brian Weiss, Doreen Virtue, James Van Praagh, to name a few). They have have teamed up to take their own beautiful gifts, their learning and their experiences to teach others. Not only do they strive to inspire, but also to open up and help each person to become who they came here to be. Helping people on their discovery for life’s purpose or perhaps to rediscover the meaning in life again.

Maria Virtuoso

I am an Intuitive Healer who is extremely passionate about healing, growing and learning. I am in love with all the different modalities. My fascination with spirituality started at an early age. I grew up watching Sylvia Brown and would often visit different Mediums and Healers. My spiritual journey began shortly after a healing session that forever changed my life. As I was lying on the healer's table, she advised me that I was meant to do what she was doing. That was not the first time I had heard those words which resulted in my usual response ''Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear that all the time.'' It's what she said next that changed me forever. She said, ''It's your life's purpose.'' That moment was my Ah-Ha moment and I knew my spiritual awakening was about to begin. I started my spiritual journey learning to become a Reiki Master. That opened the door to learning about the Akashic Records which then led me to Angel Therapy. From there, I became fascinated with Past Life Regression. While learning each modality, I became inspired. My passion grew to more than just healing at that point. I wanted to teach people how to become who they were meant to be all along. Now looking back, I can clearly see how every little step has brought me to where I am today. With love, Maria

Francie Pipke

I am a Spiritual Practitioner that provides healing through Mediumship, Past Life Regression Sessions, Meditation and Spiritual Teaching. I believe that we are all born with intuitive abilities and the ability to communicate with the universe. It is my passion and life purpose to help heal people and lead them to their natural born spiritual gifts. In 2009, my father passed away suddenly from a heart attack. My relationship with my dad in life had its ups and downs and unfortunately, we had a fight a few days before his passing. Spirit kept telling me to ''Turn around, go back and apologize.'' Sadly, I did not listen. I lived with major guilt and regret for many months after his passing. The amount of suffering I went through was unbearable. As soon as I understood that I could help create communication between people and their loved ones, I knew it was something I needed to do. I wanted to help people gain closure, help rid them of guilt and provide them with messages of love and support from Heaven. My truest of passions, is teaching people how to tap into their own spiritual gifts to help them live a fuller, more content and meaningful life. We are all spiritual beings with spiritual abilities, it's my job to help you realize and awaken what has always been there! Love and Light, Francie



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